Oh Baby!

Here we go again! For those of you who haven’t been in recently.. Surprise – I am pregnant with baby #2, and he/she is due at the end of January 2024! We don’t know the gender (again.. we love a good surprise) and Worthy is super excited to be a big bro! Our dog, Curly…. Maybe a little less so.

Time seems to be FLYING this time around and I can’t believe I’m only a month away from the third trimester. I have been feeling good for the most part, but chasing a toddler around is no joke while pregnant. Similar to last time, I’ve been really leaning into the self-care measures to keep my body and mind in a good place. Pregnancy has been my excuse to do all of the extras: acupuncture, reflexology, massage, etc. etc. and I feel very lucky to do so.

I’ve decided to forego working on Saturdays, which was a difficult decision for me (I’ve worked every other Saturday for 10 years!). Ahead of baby number two, I’m prioritizing a little more time to nest and enjoy life as a family of three. I’ll be on leave for the standard 3 months and will return around the beginning of May. Have no fear though, Karen, Cortnae, and Esme will be in the office and will take good care of y’all while I’m gone!

It has been so exciting to share the news in-person and hopefully I will see the rest of you before I head out in January! Thank you to everyone who has shown so much love and support. We appreciate it immensely!! I love hearing everyone’s guesses about gender and the shared family stories of siblings and second children. We are so excited to have another little one, and we can’t wait to see how they complete our family!

Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Sarah is the clinical supervisor at Alpenglow Acupuncture.


Gratitude 2023


My Breast Cancer Story