Immune System Support

If you aren’t currently sick and would like to keep it that way, check out the tips below for some immune system support:

  • In the words of REI: Opt outside. The fresh air, exercise, and sunlight are a triple-whammy for the immune system. It’s a vital trick for optimizing Vitamin D so try to get as much exercise outside as possible. So go for a hike, a bike ride, or just a walk around the block. Even in the cold, the sun often shines in Colorado! (Just wear a scarf).

  • In that same vein...go dig in the dirt! Kids do it anyway, so might as well join them! There are so many proven benefits of “earthing” and its effect on the immune system AND nervous system. Use those warmer days we still get in winter and get dirty and absorb all of those micronutrients from the soil. Whether you garden or just want to walk around barefoot, I promise you will feel great afterwards!

  • Get your diffusers fired up. We have no less than 3 diffusers going in the house at any given time and I feel it really helps with my lung capacity. I usually have the Ravintsara, Eucalyptus, or Frankincense in rotation.

  • Do some intentional breathing. Yoga or meditation are great ways to focus on breath AND get exercise at the same time. What a great time to learn (or re-learn) about meditation and breath work to help control emotions and increase lung capacity! A great idea for all the respiratory viruses circulating.

  • Dry brushing. This is a little known way to boost the immune system and circulate the qi! You dry brush your extremities in an upward motion, towards the trunk, in order to help the blood flow back to the heart. It moves the lymph and blood and helps the body filter toxins out.

  • Implement afternoon naps. Nothing like a little siesta to reboot the body. Getting plenty of good sleep is crucial for the body to function at its best, so why not? Try not to sleep for multiple hours; a good 30 minute cat nap is perfectly fine! NASA suggests that the perfect nap length is 26 minutes in order to get the full benefits without interrupted sleep cycles or grogginess later.

  • We feel like a broken record sometimes, but let’s just plug a healthy diet again - fresh fruits and veggies, clean meats, and limited processed foods are always a great way to set you and for success.

Let us know what you try and how it goes! Good luck to all of you as we enter this cold and flu season. Let us know if you or a family member or friend (or kid!!) would benefit from an acupuncture/acupressure session to help boost immunity in this critical time. We’re here to help!

Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Sarah is the clinical supervisor at Alpenglow Acupuncture.

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