New Year’s Intentions

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and are in the midst of beginning a happy new year! You did it – You made it through the most chaotic time of the year, and are on your way to a new and exciting 2019! Does anyone else get excited about setting intentions and goals, or is it just me? I try not to overload myself with too many, but I do love the idea of a fresh canvas to paint my story on. Cue: Bob Ross and all of his happy trees. 

So, what intentions did I set for the new year? In the wake of a crazy 2018, I’m vowing to slow down. My only true intention is to pick up my meditation practice again. It’s been too long since I’ve spent actual time during my day (other than during a yoga class) practicing meditation. This will be hard for me! Considering I like to burn the candle at both ends and I thrive on being busy, taking some down time will be much needed.

Other things I’m excited to incorporate in 2019: 

  • Darkness detox: in January, I’m taking a break from listening and watching dark documentaries or podcasts. Embarrassingly, I have a horrible addiction to anything related to true crime or dark stories. So in order to keep my sanity, I am breaking up with them for a month and potentially longer. Deliberately letting the light in! 

  • Dietary balance: I had some serious ups and downs with my diet this year and I’m still feeling the reverberations. This year, I’m going to worry less about being super strict or giving myself “treats” when I think I deserve them. I feel like it set me up with some bad habits that I need to break. Instead I’m going to try and stay consistent with what my body craves and makes me feel the best.

  • Try 5 new things this year. This could be a new experience, a new genre of book, a new style of food, or travel to a new place. I’m interested in the unknown and how to experience it to the fullest. We’ll see what they end up being! Stay tuned..

What are you looking forward to in 2019? Do you have plans or resolutions? I cannot wait to hear about them! Sharing your goals with others is a great way to hold yourself and others accountable, so let us know what they are next time you’re in. 

Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Sarah is the clinical supervisor at Alpenglow Acupuncture.

The Scoop on CBDs


Finishing up the Holidays and Setting Intentions for the New Year