How are you showing up in all your worlds?

About 2 months ago, one of my longtime mentors was given a terminal diagnosis. Over the past few weeks I’ve watched him start his grieving process, and I have started mine. I have met with friends, former colleagues, and even an author who is writing a book about him to share our stories and wild adventures with my mentor and his clinic. So many memories, good, bad, and unbelievable, from sterilizing over 2500 cats and dogs in 6 days in the Yucatán, to saving a dog that had been quilled from a porcupine 2 weeks before our visit to the reservation and all the vets in the area had refused to help him, and to taking in a beaten and stabbed cat and her kittens so that a battered woman would finally leave her abuser…..and that’s just the very tip of the iceberg. 

I learned about animal welfare, community service, relationships, the human animal bond, and how to be an amateur social worker. I learned to meet people where they’re at, and take any opportunity to give someone a hand up. I learned what having empathy and compassion really means, and everything we do is part of the bigger picture. I learned that a good practitioner listens to the patient and reads what is between the lines. It doesn’t always matter how or why the patient got to you, only that you are there to help them now. I learned by his example, not only the good moments but from his worst moments too. His influence and drive to pay it forward has forever improved the quality of life for so many animals and humans all around the world, but there were times it was at the cost of those closest to him. 

That got me thinking…….
How am I showing up in all my worlds? Am I showing up 100%? Am I showing up the way I want to? What am I doing well and what could I be doing better?
Am I a stellar employee? Am I a considerate coworker? Am I an effective practitioner? Do my patients feel heard and supported? 
Am I doing enough for the animals in the world? Am I a good furr parent?
Am I a present and supportive partner? Am I a good Aunt? Am I a good sister? Am I a good daughter? Am I a good friend?
Am I showing empathy, care, and compassion to myself?

This is a good list of worries that could keep any of us from sleeping for weeks. I’m starting with smaller goals and starting with what I have control over. Just starting with one small action at a time. I chose to work with my mindset and self-talk…so far I have noticed a change in my mood, my ability to manage stress, and I feel that I am more connected to my mission which makes me more connected to the people around me. 

How are you showing up in all your worlds? What small shifts can you make to bring presence and balance to your worlds?

I'd love to show up for you. Let me know if you need anything. I'm here for you. 💗

Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.

Cortnae is a staff acupuncturist at Alpenglow Acupuncture.

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