Go Ahead and Worry

I have been seeing a lot of people who are anxious and worried about, well, everything. And it makes sense. Our world is a little nutso right now, and one would be crazy not to be at least a little worried here and there. We feel like we need to be on top of the latest numbers and trends and recommendations, so we are constantly checking the news and/or social media. What if we miss an important piece of news?!!

Sure, it’s important to stay on top of the rules, recommendations and numbers, but there may be more sane ways to do it than others. (Hint: watching the news or scrolling through your social media feeds 24 hours a day isn’t the sane way.) 

I personally check in on the data from the state once a day, and look to see if there are new regulations a few times a week. Thankfully, our licensing body will communicate directly with us if there is a change in procedures needed at the clinic. 

Keeping the “keeping up” limited goes a long way for regulating your mental health. If you find yourself anxious or worried a lot, schedule a time to do just that. You might need to start with daily worry periods, or maybe just three times a week. Do what works for you, but don’t do it before bed! 

Then, throughout the day, if you start to “wonder” about something - numbers, what to do about XXX, etc., write it down and tell yourself you’ll worry about/figure it out later. Then, at your designated “worry time,” you can do all the research on your list. It’s a good idea to put a pad of paper by your bed, too, if you tend to wake in the night with thoughts running through your head. Then you can write them down and then deal with them during your worry period. 

Give it a try for a week and see what happens. ❤ That’s right, go ahead and worry!

Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Karen is the founder of Alpenglow Acupuncture.


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