Eat Like a Toddler

Piggybacking on Cortnae’s article from last week… GUILTY: I have definitely been feeling the pinch to lose this last 10 pounds of baby weight that I accumulated, now that Worthy is 1!! If someone could find me the instant-body-shred secret, that would be great. Jokes aside, my excuses for eating everything have run out. 

The impending summer means I can’t hide in my sweaters anymore, so I have been determined to get moving and really hone in the diet.  Because I was breastfeeding Worthy,  I needed ALL of the calories to keep up.  As I start to wean him, I’m realizing that I can’t really use that excuse to eat whatever I want anymore. Truth be told, I’ve been using that as a crutch for so long that I think my body has refused to budge on the weight– even though I’ve incorporated more exercise. 

SO, the realization I had the other day was that I need to eat more like Worthy! Since he started solids at about 6 months, I’ve cared SO much about the food that I give him. It really forced me to be mindful about what I’m cooking, which is great!! We eat pretty healthy, but my portion size, sugar addiction, and extra carbs at meal time got a little out of hand. But for Worthy, the principles are simple: he eats until satiated (which can actually be an astounding amount), we focus on whole foods like veggies and some meat, very little processed foods, lots of flavors and textures to keep it interesting, and keeping up on his  hydration level (via milk and water). AND of course, no sugar!! (Imagine that). 

Even if you don’t have a baby to feed, I think it’s important to incorporate those principles ourselves. As you're making food decisions, think to yourself…”Would I feed this to a toddler?” Using that as a guardrail for how you view portion size, essential nutrients, whole foods, and healthy hydration. The rest just isn’t necessary! 

Below is a picture of our bottomless pit of a 1 year old! Happy June everyone! 

Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Sarah is the clinical supervisor at Alpenglow Acupuncture.

All Cleaned Out


Beach Bod or Bust!