Some Coronavirus Do’s and Don’ts

There is a lot of information flowing around out there on what supplements and medicines to take and what to avoid for coronavirus. A lot of it, of course, is conflicting. So here I’ll break down, to the best of my knowledge at this time, some of the best practices I am seeing. 

Avoid NSAIDs

It looks like in some cases, NSAIDs can contribute to the cytokine storm that makes the illness worse. Any non-essential use of these medications should be avoided. A great alternative is curcumin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory that actually inhibits some of these cytokines. 

As far as using anything as a fever reducer, I am of the opinion that a fever exists for a reason, and we should let it run its course, as long as it isn’t dangerously high. Aviva Romm has a great article on fever, with some tips on natural remedies and when to use them.

Avoid Elderberry

Some well-documented sources are saying to avoid elderberry as well. I would err on the side of caution, after looking at the research, and skip it until this passes. In this study, it was shown to increase cytokine production which is not what you want with this particular virus. 

I have been keeping my eye on elderberry lately, anyway, because it is looking like it is something that people with autoimmune diseases should stay away from, so it should be used on a case by case basis. (which just makes it like everything else 😀)

Optimize Vitamin C and D Levels

Eat a good diet (oh, that again?) and supplement as needed. These vitamins are both helpful to keep your immune system healthy and robust. 

Chinese Herbal Formulas

It’s both frustrating and beautiful that this medicine isn’t “one size fits all,” so I can’t make a general recommendation here. Formulas are based on your constitution and your symptoms (if you have any) in real time. If you want to talk to us about what is best for you, whether it be prevention or management of symptoms, please reach out. We’re here to help!

Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Karen is the founder of Alpenglow Acupuncture.

The Five Pillars of Chinese Medicine… and How We’re Using Them Now: In Isolation


Ear Acupuncture