Family, Health, and Fitness

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Family Health and Fitness Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of September, and encourages families to focus on fun physical activities they can enjoy together. The great thing about doing things as a family is that there are several things you can do even if your fitness and/or energy levels do not match. Here are just a few ways we get exercise in my family:

Bike riding


Our almost 4 year old is so proud that he can ride a pedal bike. We do laps around the neighborhood or ride over to the nearest park to play on the swings and slides. The ride can be quite stop-and-go, depending on how many roly polys we see along the way, but we’re still out there moving our bodies and getting some good sunshine and fresh air. 


We are guilty of still taking the Kelty backpack on hikes. That way, the little dude can hike and explore until he gets tired, and then we can continue to hike, enjoying a longer journey than we could if we didn’t bring the backpack. Matt carries him the most, since he’s fitter and wants the extra workout. :-)
And again, we are out getting fresh air and sunshine.

Rock Climbing

These days, most of the climbing happens in the gym. We try to meet up with some friends who also have a kiddo, and then we all take turns climbing, chasing kids and helping kids up the wall. It has been fun watching the kids egg each other on (I mean encourage each other) and push through their fears, which is an added benefit of this particular activity. 

7-Minute Workouts

This is one of my favorites. We have a 7-minute workout app that we will do as a family. If you haven’t watched a small child do jumping jacks or push-ups, you should. You’ll see why we figure we are getting an extra ab workout at the same time - so many laughs!

I think one of the most important things we are doing with these activities is that we are normalizing exercise and making it a part of our son’s daily life. I believe that if you grow up being active, as you get older it won’t be something you “have to do,” it’s just something that is ingrained, enjoyable and fun. 

What are the ways you stay active with your family? I’d love to know!

Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Karen is the founder of Alpenglow Acupuncture.

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