New Look for Resolutions!

One thing I heard in a yoga class recently was that new year’s resolutions were actually counterproductive. It’s telling yourself that you “aren’t good enough” or that you’re “bad” at something, or a few things. I thought that was quite enlightening! As an avid new-years-resolution-maker, I thought I might take a different stance on what I set for myself this year. 

First I want to revisit the resolutions I made LAST year and see how I did with those. First was my darkeness detox. I went about 6-7 months of the year and did not listen to ONE true crime podcast! It was great. Recently, I’ve been slipping back into the darkness (maybe its the moody winter) and a few have snuck back on my podcast queue. I blame the road trips we’ve taken. Nothing will keep you awake more than a riveting story about murder. I think another cleanse is in order. 

Secondly, I wanted a little more balance with my diet. I would say I did a pretty decent job in 2019 with that. I had some ups and downs, but overall I didn’t stress too much about being too strict or not. I feel pretty stable with my blood sugar, energy levels, weight, etc. Success! 

Finally I wanted to try 5 new things. This is a resolution that I will keep on my list every year! I think its fun to experience something you haven’t before. What were my five? Go to a country I haven’t visited before (France for our honeymoon), check. Train our new puppy (Oh, Curly), check. Read a new genre of book (I read a memoir), check. Do something that is spiritually enlightening (I participated in a Mayan Temezcal ceremony in Mexico in October), check. Tried a totally new kind of food (I finally got to try escargot!!), check. 

This year, I won’t be having any resolutions about losing weight or going to the gym a certain number of times (which are usually on my list). I really want to keep the tradition I’ve set for myself of trying new things and adding something positive to my life. On my list for this year: read 12 books. Technically, that’s one per month, but that can be fluid based on how big or small the books are. Hehe. Try another set of 5 new things. Can’t wait to see what those are. Finally, my goal this year is to up the ante on giving back, so I want to find a way to consistently volunteer in my community. 

What are your goals for the new year and new decade?? Please share them with us next time you’re in the office for an appointment!

Sarah Feinstein, L.Ac.

Sarah is the clinical supervisor at Alpenglow Acupuncture.

Welcome Megan Wemm!


The Year of the Rat