
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone looking to regain or maintain good health.

Karen Marks, L.Ac. Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Back to School

It’s that time of year again for us parents - back to school! As I’ve been thinking about the upcoming shift in our schedule, I have been making plans. Of course, last year we had covid in the house the first week of school which turned all our grand plans upside down, so I know anything can happen, but here are a few things I’m doing to prep the family this year (in addition to getting school supplies and clothes, finding the lunch box and backpack, etc.).

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Cortnae Morris, L.Ac. Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.

Oh Joy! The Emotion of Summer

Joy is a powerful and positive emotion that brings about a sense of happiness, delight, and contentment. It is often characterized by an intense feeling of pleasure and fulfillment, accompanied by a sense of inner satisfaction and well-being. Joy can arise from various sources, such as achieving a personal goal, spending time with loved ones, engaging in meaningful activities, or experiencing moments of beauty and awe

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Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac. Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac.

A Quick Trick To Reduce Stress

Breathing exercises are easily overlooked on the day to day, but they are really beneficial for resetting the nervous system to reduce stress and anxiety.

My rule of thumb is 5 - 5 - 5. Here’s how it works:

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Cortnae Morris, L.Ac. Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.

Listening, really listening

Recently I was listening to a podcast about the idea of deep listening, and how that contributes to the greater collective of consciousness. Have you ever noticed that you are forming your response or thinking about all the things you need to do while you are “listening” to someone talk?

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Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac. Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac.

Watermelon Quells Summer Heat

Summer is all about Yang energy in motion and the element of Fire season increasing blood circulation. The Heart and Small Intestine are in focus this time of year – full of joy, anxiety and heat! It’s important to keep a close relationship with Water to maintain balance, as it’s easy for Fire to flare up when we’re outdoors having fun burning up fluids.

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Cortnae Morris, L.Ac. Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.

How are you showing up in all your worlds?

About 2 months ago, one of my longtime mentors was given a terminal diagnosis. Over the past few weeks I’ve watched him start his grieving process, and I have started mine. I have met with friends, former colleagues, and even an author who is writing a book about him to share our stories and wild adventures with my mentor and his clinic. So many memories, good, bad, and unbelievable, from sterilizing over 2500 cats and dogs in 6 days in the Yucatán, to saving a dog that had been quilled from a porcupine 2 weeks before our visit to the reservation and all the vets in the area had refused to help him, and to taking in a beaten and stabbed cat and her kittens so that a battered woman would finally leave her abuser…..and that’s just the very tip of the iceberg. 

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Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac. Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac.

Sandal Season Woes

Are your feet sore from making the seasonal switch into sandals? 

The big toe muscles tend to be the culprit for those who are prone to plantar fasciitis or bunion flare-ups. It can be tough and painful on the feet but fortunately acupuncture can work wonders to alleviate those shooting pain

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Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac. Bridgette Berrier, L.Ac.

Herbal Medicine Rocks!

Did you know the traditional Chinese medicine herbal formula known as Jade Windscreen powder (aka Yu Ping Feng San) can be used to treat seasonal allergies, allergic rhinitis, and even forms of pet dander??

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Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac. Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

The Year of the Yin Water Rabbit

For this year, 2023, we are moving into a direction of beautiful growth and development. The energetics of this year are all about the true essence of yin and yang, the give and take, and balance of action(!!) and retraction. Imagine a bunny coming out of his/her hibernation into the snow, shaking dew its fluffy tail, ready to spring about! Doesn’t that bring you joy? A warm fuzzy feeling for the new year? I think so.

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Cortnae Morris, L.Ac. Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.

Two Sides of a Coin

“What happens in the body reflects in the mind, and what happens in the mind reflects in the body.”

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Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac. Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Gathering Qi, True Qi, and Upright Qi

In my last blog post, I alluded to an explanation of the other types of “qi” we think about in Chinese medicine. Of course, if you’re reading this for the first time, qi is just the Chinese word for “energy” that circulates through our bodies at all times.

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Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac. Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Ancestral Qi

Instead of focusing on Halloween this year, I’ve been wanting to deepen my understanding of Dios de los Muertos, or “Day of the Dead,” a Mexican holiday rooted in the tradition of honoring our ancestors. I have always been drawn to this tradition of setting up an Ofrenda, or putting out pictures and mementos of our loved ones who have gone before us. Since having a child, it really got me thinking about my own familial heritage, what that allows me to honor and leave behind, and of course, how to relate it to Traditional Chinese medicine. That might seem like a stretch, but hear me out.

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Cortnae Morris, L.Ac. Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.

Deep Breath In…Hold…and Let It Go

We can feel the subtle shifts around us as Autumn settles in - the air is crisp and has a chill to it, the sun sets a little earlier and rises a little later, leaves are losing their color and falling to the ground, and we harvest the last offerings from our gardens as the plants break down to become fertilizer for the next year.

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Karen Marks, L.Ac. Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Upset is Optional

Here’s how it worked in real life: My husband started feeling sick the Sunday before school started. We had him isolate out of an abundance of caution, and then on Tuesday, the first day of school for the kiddo, he tested positive. Upset is Optional kicked in…

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Cortnae Morris, L.Ac. Cortnae Morris, L.Ac.


Over the last several months, I began each day in a state of panic. My worries centered around poor time management and extreme fatigue. I felt as if there were not enough hours in the day…

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Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac. Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

Back To School!

I can’t believe it’s that time of year again, but here we are! As you prepare to send your kids back to school, return as a teacher, admin, or parent…

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Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac. Sarah Brynestad, L.Ac.

A Brush with the C-Monster

Well, after 2.5 years it finally got me! Since that fateful March of 2020, we have been so careful! I finally let my guard down and took Worthy to his first in-person baby music class at the beginning of June… and didn’t wear a mask…

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